Permit me to present myself first. As difficult as this may be to believe, this writer is the full and assured reunite of the Biblical prophet Daniel and a approved incarnate angel.

Seems very difficult to believe, doesn't it?

First let's note five essential weaknesses perpetuated by modern prophecy students, the majority of whom have been in the dispensational "futurist" camp, which believes substantial parts of the Bible stay in our potential, as opposed to the preterist camp, which believes it is all, or almost all, fulfilled.

If one cautiously and genuinely says scriptures and studies correlating record, one happens at a different image compared to the common "futurist" view.

Here are three problems produced by the dispensational view:

1. Misinterpretation of the word "last days" strewn throughout the New Testament. We're not in the "last times;" instead, that term referred to the final times of the Jewish state in the full time of the apostles, before A.D. 70 and the finish of that particular age and their "world."

2. Misinterpretation of achieved prophecy, viewed as if it were unfulfilled prophecy, as in the Olivet Discourse and much of Biblical Daniel. Nearly all of it has arrived at pass!

3. Misinterpretation of the final week, or seven decades, of Daniel's "seventy weeks." A most unpleasant and non-literal concept, promoted by many today, could be the cutting down the final week of the 490-year prophecy, and giving it much in to the remote potential, which is where the incorrect    free written prophecy notion of a seven-year "great tribulation having an Antichrist" comes from. Actually, it was a constant grow of time terminating around A.D. 33 with the alleged "tribulation" from 66 to 70 A.D.

4. Misunderstanding about the character and time of the coming of the Kingdom, and failure to start to see the sameness involving the Kingdom of Lord and the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not just a mortal kingdom to be established by the Second Development of the Messiah, but dually spiritual and beautiful, and is already here for anyone seeking it as proposed by the next sentiments:

"The kingdom is NOT coming with points which can be seen, for actually the Kingdom of Lord is WITHIN you."


"My kingdom is NOT of the earth."

"The time is achieved, and the kingdom of Lord is AT HAND: repent ye, and believe the gospel." (Mark 1:15)

5. Ignoring or misinterpreting claims of imminence of given prophecies, which almost all related to the days before A.D. 70 through the era from Christ to that time, such as for instance John's book of Discovery, with clear time alerts that a lot of overlook such as for instance,

"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which Lord gave him to exhibit to his servants what must SOON take place." (Rev. 1:1)

"Lucky is he that readeth, and they that hear what of the prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the full time is AT HAND." (Rev. 1:3)

"...has sent his angel to exhibit his servants what must SOON take place. And see, I am coming SOON." (Rev. 22:6-7)

"Do not seal up what of the prophecy of the book, for the full time is NEAR." (Rev. 22:10)

"Behold, I am coming SOON..." (Rev. 22:12)

"And he saith unto me, seal not the sayings of the prophecy of the book: for the full time is AT HAND." (Rev. 22:10)

Now, after reading these clear time claims, why haven't the majority of biblical prophecy students come to their feelings? Since when does "soon" and "near" and "at hand" mean somtime two millennia later?

The great bulk of those prophecies in Daniel, Matthew 24, including Discovery, are now old record having been already achieved nearly two millennia ago.

That "preterist" or happiness concept is needless to say contrary to the falsities MOST Biblical prophecy students, websites, publications etc. are still being taught or proclaiming, surprisingly spoken with great authority and assurance - as although it were "fact" - largely predicated on opinion, blind trust and misinterpretation.

Do your self a benefit and don't spend your time searching for an "Antichrist," during some potential seven-year great tribulation with a rebuilt Jewish forehead, or perhaps a Rapture.

The aforementioned ideas have no base the truth is for our time, contrary to what is sensationally espoused by many prophecy "experts." These publications sell properly and produce millions for several that are "offering God" but it is misleading millions.

Now, who is the Antichrist/beast/666 stated in John's Discovery and Daniel 7? I can recognize him for you personally! It absolutely was the Roman Emperor Nero of Rome, before A.D. 70.

Once you hear the word "last days" stated repeatedly throughout the New Testament it did NOT refer to your time, but rather to A.D. 70.

The best END of the occasions are the days or "age" we're going to enter, also sometimes named the Day of the Lord.

I first-handedly observed this great function by being actually transferred by an angel in to the remote potential, but it's little or nothing to do with Discovery, Daniel's prophecies, or a number of other of the ideas thrown around today within an obsessive orgy to discover a expected "Antichrist" and set a date for a expected "rapture" during a "seven-year great tribulation" coming in some far-off time.

Now, the "Day of the Lord" is something this writer has observed first-hand in a strong vision where I was actually transferred in to the long run by an enormous angel, while alert, observing the final 5-minutes of the unbelievable event.

It was actually the joining of heaven and planet, or the ascension of the planet and all life about it in to the 5th aspect! Number, I actually do NOT know when this may take place - no-one does.

If you want to see all about this strong function, it is all documented in the author's newest book named The Ultimate Guide of Daniel which includes a lengthy discourse on what the great bulk of Biblical prophecy had been achieved, and what may be for our times or future.



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